University Placement
TEE Uni offers bespoke and flexible advice and assistance to families all over the world whose child is seeking a placement at a university in the UK.
TEE Uni works with students aged 15+, coaching and guiding them towards the best university
course choices, taking into account each individual’s specific strengths, passions and needs.
We provide a roadmap to success
Supporting the exploration and ideal preparation to the universities or courses of choice.
Coaching and Mentoring through decision-making
Wellbeing, academic and tutoring support designed to meet each candidate's needs.
One-to-one personal support and guidance
Personal statement preparation, interview practice, and support for entrance exams.
Tailored to your needs
We provide one-off or specific help on particular aspects of preparation for university, or programmes of support from a trusted personal guidance counsellor, ensuring applicants makes the best next steps on their education journey, building their skills in a constructive and timely manner, in the years leading up to university applications.
We provide any or all of the following services:
A roadmap for ideal preparation to the universities of choice
Insight into the range of courses and options available
Coaching and mentoring through the filtering and decision-making process
Personal Statement preparation
Planning appropriate work experience and additional activities
Academic mentoring and tutoring to support the student’s endeavours
Interview preparation and mock interviews
Specific entrance exam preparation
Signposting to individualised support and further tutoring/preparation
CV/Resume building and writing
Guidance on timelines for applications​
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